• Xavier Gómez Batiste is an international leader in palliative care. With over thirty years of experience in this area, he has not only been a pioneer in its implementation in health systems but has also contributed actively to positioning Catalonia as a pioneer in improving the quality of life of people who are at the end of their lives and those who suffer from chronic diseases, and their families. Gómez Batiste is a Doctor of Medicine, a specialist in oncology and a lecturer at the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia, where he teaches on the bachelor’s degree in Medicine. For twelve years, he has directed the the Chair in Palliative Care that this University shares with the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO).
  • Until 2022, he was also director of the Qualy Observatory, the WHO’s collaborating centre for Public Health Palliative Care Programmes, and scientific director of Comprehensive Care for People with Advanced Diseases, under the “La Caixa” Social Programme. This year, Gómez Batiste has received the Cicely Saunders Award from the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC), in recognition of his career. The Chair obtained the IAHPC Institutional Recognition Award along with the “La Caixa” Foundation.
  • Microtraining and personalized training are two of the new forms of learning that are increasingly appearing in the offer of training programmes at universities
  • The need to continue to grow throughout life in a world of technological and workplace changes forces people to look for new ways to update their skills and knowledge that are compatible with their day-to-day life
  • The bachelor’s degree in Global Studies will be offered at UVic-UCC from the 2024-2025 academic year. The course will be taught entirely in English and in face-to-face format
  • The new degree, which incorporates mandatory international mobility and innovative training methodologies, will prepare students to understand, critically analyse and respond to global challenges
  • Graduates in Global Studies from UVic-UCC will be able to work in organizations and institutions with an international profile, including corporations and companies, government institutions and NG
  • Education studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Manresa have made a determined commitment to boost the reading skills of future teachers through diverse, cross-cutting activities
  • For the first time, students of the bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education at UManresa have participated in the Atrapallibres project, to accompany boys and girls in reading
  • As part of actions to promote reading skills, UManresa gathered a hundred people in the Education Day on “The transformative power of reading: the value of children’s and youth literature”
  • The laboratory is pioneering in Catalonia and Spain, and is equipped with all the latest technological devices, which enable all kinds of audiological and vestibular tests to be carried out
  • The Faculty of Medicine at UVic-UCC has expanded its spaces for teaching and research for Medicine and for the bachelor’s degrees in Dentistry and General Audiology, and has incorporated a dental preclinical laboratory and a technology laboratory, in addition to new classrooms

“In my day-to-day life, I have realized that the biopsychosocial model of physiotherapy that was instilled in me at Manresa is vital. The person matters. A person is not a number or an injury”

  • Clément Meillac (Amiens, 1996) graduated in Physiotherapy at the Faculty of Health Sciences at Manresa in 2022. A fan of sports from an early age, he was certain that he wanted to work in an area related to caring for others, associated with high-level sport. After completing a master’s degree in Sports Sciences in Montpellier, the city where he lived, he decided to supplement his training as a physical trainer with bachelor’s degree studies in Physiotherapy. Manresa was not his first choice, but on the recommendation of a friend and after visiting the University’s facilities and finding out more about it, he ended up deciding to study in the capital of Bages.
  • He speaks highly of UManresa’s facilities, methodology and passionate teaching staff, who influenced him and enabled him to develop and achieve outstanding professional milestones, such as forming part of the team of physiotherapists at Montpellier Hérault Rugby, which won the European Challenge Cup and the French TOP 14 during the two years he worked and interned there. Currently, he is physiotherapist for SAXV Charente Rugby and continues to gain experience with the aim of returning to elite sport as a physiotherapist
  • Since 2013, UAlumni has brought together the community of UVic-UCC graduates, fostering links with the institution, creating a network, and connecting the academic and professional fields
  • This community offers various services, discounts and advantages to its over 7,500 members, who are graduates of bachelor’s degrees, postgraduate courses, higher education courses, master’s degrees and doctoral studies at the UVic-UCC
  • This academic year, UAlumni has celebrated its tenth anniversary with an event focused on the community and the connection with the territory
  • Bioethics. Foundations, applications and challenges

    Bioethics. Foundations, applications and challenges

    Cambra-Badii, I., Busquets, E., Terribas-Sala, N. i Baños, J. E. (ed.)

    CRC Press.
  • Coeducación con miradas de género. 9 ideas clave.

    Coeducación con miradas de género. 9 ideas clave.

    Carrillo, I. i Guitart, R.

  • Les Escoles de Gurb, cent anys d'història d'una petita gran escola

    Les Escoles de Gurb, cent anys d'història d'una petita gran escola

    Casanovas, J.

    Eumo Editorial.
  • On són les dones? Vides i manifestos

    On són les dones? Vides i manifestos

    Godayol, P.

    Eumo Editorial.
  • FC Barcelona: History, Politics and Identity

    FC Barcelona: History, Politics and Identity

    O'Brien, J., Ginesta, X. i de San Eugenio, J.

  • El protocolo oficial internacional

    El protocolo oficial internacional

    Panizo, J. M.

    Sanz y Torres.
  • Science since Birth: llibre d'actes del I Congrés Internacional de Ciència a l'Educació Infantil

    Science since Birth: llibre d'actes del I Congrés Internacional de Ciència a l'Educació Infantil

    Pedreira, M., Sabido-Codina, J., Quesada, C. i Vázquez, L. (coord.)

    Edicions FUB.
  • Promotion of health-enhancing physical activity in small-to-medium-sized enterprises

    Promotion of health-enhancing physical activity in small-to-medium-sized enterprises

    Puig-Ribera, A., Väänänen, I., Vandaele, F., Mas-Alòs, S., Codina-Nadal, A., De Clerk, I. (ed.), Matas, S., Farías-Torbidoni, E. i Dorado, V.

    World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe.
  • Els contes del pagès

    Els contes del pagès

    Pujol, A. M. i Bulbena, X.

    Oliveras Compte, Josep.
  • Clotet i les persones sordes: noves mirades a la seva obra, 200 anys després del seu naixement

    Clotet i les persones sordes: noves mirades a la seva obra, 200 anys després del seu naixement

    Serrat, J. (coord.)

    Barcelona: Editorial Claret.
  • Amblàs, J., Bajo, C., Boix, L., Jerez-Roig, J. i Sayol, M. (2024). "Capítulo II: Detección y categorización de la fragilidad".

    Dins Soto, L. I. i Moreno, J., Libro Blanco: Fisioterapia y Fragilidad. p. 31-60.

  • Ambròs, A., Sabido, J. i Fuentes, C. "Estudio exploratorio sobre la alfabetización mediática e informacional en el currículum de la LOE y la LOMCE en España".

    Dins Sánchez, M. C. , López, A. i Monteagudo, J. (ed.), Tecnologías emergentes y alfabetización digital para enseñar historia p. 376-388.

  • Arreciado, A., Ayuso, A., Benito, L., Bonet, A., Berenguer, M., Campillo, B., Cuesta, M. R., Edo, M., Fuster, P., Gonzalez, P., Martínez, C., Mateu M., Reig, E., Roig, H. i Rota, L. "Prioritats i expectatives professionals de les estudiants del grau d'infermeria a Catalunya 2023".

    Dins Gutiérrez, R. i Ferrús, L., LPrioritats i expectatives professionals de les estudiants del grau d’infermeria a Catalunya 2023.

  • Ars, J., Farrés, P., Domingo, P. i Giné, M. (2023). "Capítulo IV - Prescripción de ejercicio terapéutico".

    Dins Soto, L. I. i Moreno, J. (coord.), Libro Blanco: Fisioterapia y Fragilidad, p. 115-156.

  • Beneyto-Seoane, M., Bosch-Geli, C., Leiva Suárez, I., Reig-Bolaño, R. i Simó-Gil, N. (2023). "Prácticas de ApS contra la desigualdad digital en la población joven".

    Dins La Pedagogía Social en una sociedad digital e hiperconectada: desafíos y propuestas p. 21.

  • Callarisa, J., Mañé, S., Wera, M., Sabido-Codina, J., Bardavio, A. i Chafer, S. (2024). "Visibilizando el papel de las mujeres desde la prehistoria en educación infantil y primaria. El proyecto que surge desde la formación inicial hasta las familias".

    Dins Rodríguez, R. A., Trigueros, F. J. i Antolinos, A. (ed.), Mirando al futuro: educación histórica y valores cívicos, p. 492-499.

  • Cambra, I. i Moyano, E. (2023). "El desafío de enseñar los ODS en una clase universitaria de Bioética".

    Dins Santana, J. R., Domínguez, G., Gelado, R. (ed.), La transferencia del conocimiento y el impacto de la Academia en la sociedad: perspectivas y desafíos, p. 29-40.

  • Esculies, J. (2024). "Governar la comunicació durant la Segona República. L'obra legislativa de la Generalitat de Catalunya en premsa, ràdio i cinema".

    Dins Vallès, D. i Velo, E. (dir.), Acció normativa de la Generalitat Republicana (I), p. 99-124.

  • Esculies, J. i Williams, Iwan (2024). "The Transformation of FC Barcelona from 'More Than a Club' to a Global Brand".

    Dins O’Brien, J., Ginesta, X., de San Eugenio, J., FC Barcelona: History, Politics and Identity, p. 28-42.

  • Godayol, P. (2024). "Early ecofeminist debates of the seventies and eighties in Barcelona: Translations and reception".

    Dins Dasca, M. i Cerarols, R. (ed.), Translation Studies and Ecology. Mapping the Possibilities of a New Emerging Field, p. 59-76.

  • Jiménez-Pérez, Y. (2023). "Habilidades para la gestión de conflictos. Reflexiones para (des)activar el incremento de la reactividad emocional y la agresividad".

    Dins Tiffon, B. N., Cuadernos de Psicología Criminal y Forense p. 175-184.

  • Marimon-Martí, M., Molas-Castells, N., i Ramírez Banzo, E. (2024). "La enseñanza responsiva y la reflexión sobre la práctica: una propuesta para la formación inicial de maestros de educación infantil".

    Dins Flores-Lueg, C. i Gómez-Puerta, M., Conocimiento compartido y educación, p. 507-521.

  • Martínez, T., Martín, C., Sáez, I., Hurtado, D., Sabido-Codina, J. (2024). "Object-Lab: propuesta de laboratorio virtual para el aprendizaje de las Ciencias Sociales a través del patrimonio objetual".

    Dins Ortega, J. I., Sánchez, J. A, i González, N., Experiencias de aprendizaje desde la Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales para la formación de una ciudadanía democrática, crítica y global, p. 250-258.

  • Mestres-Domènech, F., Roncero Vivero, B., González Colominas, M. (2024). "Viabilitats de fabricació additiva amb cel·lulosa: Breu estat de l’art en Impressió 3D i estratègies futures".

    Dins Farrerons, O., Olmedo, N., Roncero, B. i Villa, A. Research advances in Graphic and Design Engineering at the UPC BarcelonaTech, p. 156 - 173.

  • Oroz, E., Binimelis, M. (2023). "Propuesta de innovación docente en comunicación audiovisualmodos de mirar(se) desde una perspectiva interseccional".

    Dins Navarro, N., Vinader, R., Serrano, O., Pensamiento, arte y comunicación: la importancia de hacer llegar el mensaje, p. 729-745.

  • Puntí Jubany, T., Camps-Casals, N. (2023). "Integración de los ODS en el marco de la asignatura “Técnicas de Expresión y Comunicación” del Grado de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte (CAFE) y el doble grado de ciencias de la Actividad Física y del deporte y Maestro de Educación Primaria (CAFE/MEP) en la Universidad de Vic - Universidad Central de Cataluña".

    Dins Martínez, J. A., Álvarez, D., Victoria, J. J., Berral, B. (coord.), Tendencias educativas en el siglo XXI: perspectivas de todos los miembros de la comunidad educativa p. 1059-1066.

  • Riba, C. i Sanmartí, C. (2023). "The Reception of Elinor Glyn’s Work in Spain (1926-1957)".

    Dins Weedon, A., Randel, K., Riba, C., Sanmartí, C. et al, Elinor Glyn and Her Lecacy p. 44-71.

  • Rocha, A., Menichinelli, M. i Alvelos, H. (2024). "A semi-systematic literature review of design in open source agriculture".

    Dins Bonacho, R, Eidler, M., Massari, S i Pires, M. J., Experiencing and Envisioning Food. Designing for Change p. 185-198.

  • Serrat, J. (2024). "El llibre que tens a les mans és un llibre sobre les mans".

    Dins Serrat, J. (coord.), Clotet i les persones sordes: noves mirades a la seva obra, 200 anys després del seu naixement, p. 7-22.

  • Serrat, J. (2024). "L'església i la llengua de signes: debat amb persones sordes".

    Dins Serrat, J. (coord.), Clotet i les persones sordes: noves mirades a la seva obra, 200 anys després del seu naixement, p. 7-22.

  • Serrat, J., i Cruz-Aldrete, M. (2024). "Signes i 'señas': la petjada de l'obra de Clotet a Catalunya i a Mèxic".

    Dins Serrat, J. (coord.), Clotet i les persones sordes: noves mirades a la seva obra, 200 anys després del seu naixement, p. 7-22.

  • Viladecans, C., Arimany, N., i Portet, M. C. (2024). "Anàlisi econòmic i financer de l'Acadèmia Maurici Izern".

    Dins Pujadas, J., Acadèmia-Col·legi Maurici Izern símbol d’optimisme i de pedagogia didàctica pràctica, p. 562-564.

  • Wilkins, A., Collet-Sabé, J., Esper, T., Gobby, B. i Grimaldi, E. (2024). "Assembling New Public Management: actors, networks and projects".

    Dins Brent, E. Jr., D, Verger, A., Takayama, K. i McKenzie, M. (ed.), Researching global education policies. Diverse Approaches to Policy Movement, p. 253-279.

  • Publications of UVic-UCC researchers

  • …
  • It's not a philosophy of life
  • …
  • … it's just him!
  • Philosophy of life