UVic-UCC celebrates ten years of the federation that transformed it into the regional university of Central Catalonia


  • The federation has been an instrument for achieving milestones that each foundation would not have achieved separately
  • The Faculty of Medicine and the Institute for Research and Innovation in Life Sciences and Health in Central Catalonia (IRIS-CC) are two successes resulting from the sum of FUBalmes and FUBages

The date 30 January 2024 marked ten years since the Parliament of Catalonia hosted the signing of a federation agreement between Balmes University Foundation (FUBalmes) and Bages University Foundation (FUBages), which gave rise to the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC). The University celebrated this anniversary with various events, focused on recognition of those who made the agreement possible, and on continuing to explore the benefits of a model of university governance that has had excellent results for the institutions that form part of it and for their social and economic environment.

Signing of the agreement at the Parliament of Catalonia on 30 January 2014

Such is the case that, in the words of Albert Castells, mayor of Vic and president of FUBalmes, “it is no longer possible to imagine Vic and Manresa without its university, without its facilities, without its activity, without its ability to attract talent from outside and retain local talent,” and without its contribution in the form of “knowledge, cultural wealth and the added branding that comes from having a university”. Marc Aloy, mayor of Manresa and president of FUBages, agrees. He stated that the construction of a shared university has made it possible to have a “stronger university, with more students, more lecturers, more studies, more research and a greater economic impact.” He noted that UVic-UCC "draws from two municipal projects born from two cities that, at that time, did not have a public university and decided to build their own project in the form of their own university with an clear vocation to serve the public.”

UVic-UCC draws from two municipal projects and has a clear vocation to serve the public

The celebration of the tenth anniversary of the federation also served to recall and acknowledge the work of the people who made the agreement possible. Antoni Llobet, director general of FUBages, highlighted the generosity and the breadth of views: "We didn’t simply add what FUBalmes had and what FUBages had. Instead, this combination subsequently enabled the two institutions to achieve what neither of them would have been able to achieve separately. Bages, Osona and the regional configuration of Catalonia’s university system all benefitted.” Jordi Baiget, director of FUBalmes, elaborated on the rebalancing role of UVic-UCC for the region: “It could have been no more than a gesture, but implementing it meant giving young people from the area the opportunity to study here, if they so wish.” Baiget considers that the federation enabled the then University of Vic to complete the project “of being a university that serves Catalonia and the region”.

UVic-UCC representatives and politicians at the Parliament of Catalonia on 30 January 2014

The result of broad views and a strategic vision

Looking back, Joan Turró, former director general of FUBalmes, noted that the federation is “the result of the great strategic vision” of those who were mayors of Vic and Manresa at the time: Josep Maria Vila d'Abadal and Valentí Junyent, respectively. He added that “after ten years, it is a recognized, consolidated project, a Catalan project and a project of great success for Central Catalonia.” Vila d'Abadal considers that it was a “point of consolidation, for the future” for what was then the University of Vic, which enabled UVic-UCC to be and do what it is and does today. Junyent highlighted its key role in ensuring that “the two cities have a stronger university project” and as an instrument to achieve milestones that each foundation would not have achieved separately. Valentí Martínez, former general director of FUBages, identified three areas in which the University faces challenges: governance, that is, how decisions should be made within the framework of the federation; access to public funding for all foundations; and the adaptation of the academic offer to the needs of the new times.

Pere Quer, former vice-rector of the Office for Academic Affairs at UVic-UCC, who actively participated in the process of drawing up the federation agreement, noted that “we all broadened our views due to the federation agreement.” Like Imma Ubiergo, former deputy to the general director of FUBages who was also directly involved in the project in those early moments, emphasized that “it generated trust between the two cities, Manresa and Vic, a trust that can be extrapolated to other areas of cooperation today.” Josep Arimany, president of the Foundation for Advanced Studies in Health Sciences (FESS), the institution that owns the Faculty of Medicine, agreed. He stated that “the invisible wall that stood between the two cities no longer exists,” and that this strengthened the University as a common project.

Celebrating ten years thinking about the future

The general consensus on the federation agreement’s positive impact on the foundations, the respective regions and the university system as a whole prompted the commemoration of the signature of this agreement on its tenth anniversary. A private reception in Parliament by the president of the institution, Anna Erra, was the first of the celebratory events, on the same date as the tenth anniversary: 30 January 2024. Subsequently, two institutional events were organized: the first in Manresa on 2 February and the second in Vic on 8 February.

Celebration event for the tenth anniversary at the Parliament of Catalonia on 30 January 2024
Minister Nadal made public the Catalan Government’s intention to make public funding available to FUBages

The event in Manresa was attended by the Catalan Minister for Research and Universities, Joaquim Nadal, who took the opportunity to describe the UVic-UCC university model as "unique and outstanding, a model of success that makes a great contribution to the Catalan university model.” According to Nadal, its hybrid model gives the University “flexibility and freedom” and is the result of a shared aim “that breaks the inertia of stubborn individualism and looks at geography in a broad way.” Nadal said that the federation agreement has been positive for Vic and Manresa, and for Catalonia as a whole. In his speech, he took the opportunity to announce the Catalan Government's intention to make public funding available to FUBages, just as it is available to FUBalmes through the programme agreement. The Minister for Universities and Research, Joaquim Nadal, considers that the UVic-UCC is a good idea that can build a better future through “continuing to join forces, add resources and propose new challenges.”

Celebration of the federation agreement in Manresa on 2 February 2024

The Paranymph of the UVic-UCC hosted the closing of the anniversary celebration. There were moments to recall those who made the federation agreement possible and to reflect on the future of the University. In this regard, the Catalan Government’s former Minister of Economy and Knowledge, Andreu Mas-Colell, interviewed by the journalist Albert Om, invited the UVic-UCC to “do more research and knowledge transfer linked to the needs of the territory, to attract international students to be more competitive and to put continuous training on the same level as standard courses.” He also said that, with the federation, UVic-UCC had remedied the lack of regional balance in the field of higher education and he indicated that it could become, in the future, the private, face-to-face, secular university that Catalonia does not have at this time.

Event celebrating the tenth anniversary in Vic on 8 February 2024

A positive assessment

Considering the last ten years, the federation agreement can be considered highly positive for UVic-UCC as a whole from different perspectives: in figures for the 2022-2023 academic year, UVic-UCC has increased the number of students taking standard studies to 10,723, the number of researchers to 548 and the resources obtained in competitive research calls to €6.8 m, among other milestones. These are figures that place it, in terms of volume, in a similar position to the rest of Catalan regional universities.

FUBalmes + FUBages (academic year 2014-2015)

UVic-UCC (academic year 2022-2023)

Student taking standard studies



Standard degrees



Members of research groups



Resources obtained in competitive calls

€ 700.837

€ 6.837.911

The federation has been a turning point, bringing recognition and prestige to the UVic-UCC

The federation of the two foundations has also been a turning point, bringing recognition and prestige to the UVic-UCC, both in the local and international context. In 2022, UVic-UCC entered THE World University Rankings (THE WUR) for the first time. This is one of the most prestigious rankings in the world, based on the analysis of thirteen indicators in the areas of teaching, research, knowledge transfer and internationalization. Currently, UVic-UCC is in THE WUR 2024 position 800-1000 on an international scale and position 17-35 at state level. The sum of the efforts of the federated centres has given the University greater muscle and has taken it beyond its immediate regional environment.

The Faculty of Medicine and IRIS-CC, great achievements of the federation

The creation of the Foundation for Advanced Studies in Health Sciences (FESS), owner of the Faculty of Medicine, is another of the great successes of the federation between FUBalmes and FUBages. It was set up in 2015, as a joint initiative, and made it possible to add the degree in Medicine initially, and degrees in Dentistry and General Audiology more recently, to the offering of degrees at UVic-UCC. Without the sum of the two foundations, it would have been unthinkable to offer these studies in Central Catalonia. Marina Geli, director general of FESS, confirmed this: “Clearly, the federation agreement is the catalyst without which the UVic-UCC Faculty of Medicine would not have been possible.” This was an ambition shared by more agents from Osona and from Bages: everyone joined in, “from the bishop to civil society, business and academia, everyone wanted medicine studies to be offered in the region.”

The establishment of the Institute for Research and Innovation in Life Sciences and Health in Central Catalonia (IRIS-CC) is another of the milestones of UVic-UCC, which would not have been possible without the two foundations’ capacity to influence and their solid position in the field of health sciences. IRIS-CC was launched on 1 June 2022 and is currently working to become a leading centre in research and innovation at local and international scale, through the quality of its scientific output and its comprehensive approach to health and its challenges.

A university rooted in the territory

FUBalmes and FUBages share a close link with municipalism (in both cases, their boards of trustees are chaired by the mayor of the city in which they are located, that is, Vic and Manresa). This means that they have a clear vocation to serve the region. This spirit has been transferred to the University as a whole, which has become an instrument for positive transformation of the environment and a door that connects local realities with global challenges and opportunities.

The federation reinforced a unique governance model that combines private management with a vocation to serve the public

The federation reinforced the unique governance model of the UVic-UCC, which the University of Vic established when it was founded in 1997. The combination of private management with municipal initiative and a vocation to serve the public has been key to making the institution flexible and highly permeable to the needs and demands of the environment. Joan Font, director general of Bon Preu, highlighted “the environment of freedom to do things efficiently” offered by the governance of UVic-UCC, which should be an important element for reflection on how to govern the country's universities in the future.

At the same time, the University's commitment to the territory is another relevant element of its idiosyncrasy. Sílvia Gratacós, president of the Chamber of Commerce of Manresa, noted its potential “to retain and attract talent,” and Elvira Garcia, manager of Inoxforma, highlighted the fact that it is “a university that works hand in hand with companies.” Oriol Guixà, president of the La Farga Foundation, explained that the business community expects the University to continue growing, incorporating “new university centres in Central Catalonia or making the BETA Technology Centre an independent research entity,” among other challenges.

Pioneers in integrating higher professional training into the university

Also in the framework of cooperation between the two foundations, the UVic-UCC has been at the forefront of developing its own model of integration of higher vocational training in a university environment, through the Professional Campus. This is a model that goes beyond incorporating higher vocational training cycles (CFGS) into its offer of standard degrees. It promotes the establishment of linking agreements with secondary education centres to provide academic pathways between higher studies: either between CFGS and degrees, or vice versa.

The global vision of higher education that integrates both higher vocational training and university studies is a distinctive feature of UVic-UCC. The joint work between FUBalmes and FUBages, both in terms of reflection on the model and its implementation on the ground, has allowed it to be shaped and grow in terms of the volume of university-specific qualifications, students and linking agreements with centres in its geographical area of influence.

Elisava, one foot in Barcelona

The federation agreement that was signed ten years ago was conceived, from the outset, as a structure open to new additions. In 2016, the Foundation for Advanced Studies in Health Sciences (FESS) was added. This was created by FUBalmes and FUBages to be the owner of the Faculty of Medicine. The federation grew from internal movements.

Elisava has expanded the federation and made it more solid, diverse and plural

Later, in 2020, the federation incorporated the Elisava University School Foundation, in a new movement that was external this time. This represented a leap forward, since it incorporated new areas of expertise into the University, such as that of design; expanded the federation with a new member; and made it more solid, diverse and plural. Javier Peña, director general of the Elisava Foundation, believes that, with the federation agreement, the institution he directs “has taken a leap forward in quality. It has become a university, within the framework of a medium-sized university such as UVic-UCC.” It has formed “the largest design faculty that currently exists in Catalonia and the one with the most design students both in Catalonia and in Spain.”

Elisava has contributed to UVic-UCC its extensive experience in the field of lifelong postgraduate training and has opened the door to having a University campus in Barcelona. The presence of the University in the Catalan capital has reinforced its vision of Catalonia from which it is projected worldwide.

A story that started in 2012

At the beginning of 2012, the general directors of the Balmes and Bages university foundations at that time, Joan Turró and Valentí Martínez, respectively, started talks to promote a closer relationship between the two institutions that would be positive for both. FUBalmes owned the University of Vic, with 5,107 students in standard studies (bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees and doctorates) distributed in four faculties. FUBages was a centre attached to the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), with 1,578 bachelor’s degree students and two university schools. Behind the talks was the desire of FUBalmes to make what was then the University of Vic into a truly regional university, which would be the backbone of the whole of Central Catalonia, with a volume of students comparable to that of other regional universities in Catalonia. Another factor was FUBages’s interest in leaving behind the uncertainty of its status as an affiliated centre and gaining a greater capacity to make decisions about its future, by having its own voice within a university.

The Trans Consultoria company drew up a first document on how the relationship between the two foundations could be coordinated within the framework of the same university. The initial proposal met most of the expectations of those involved, but it did not prosper until, after several months of further meetings, solutions were found for the more complex issues. These included economic autonomy, independent assets of the two foundations, and a new name for the University: University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia. As a result, in April 2013, the mayors of Vic and Manresa, Josep M. Vila d'Abadal and Valentí Junyent, together with the secretary of the Department of Universities, Antoni Castellà, signed the Agreement to create a federated university structure; the first firm step towards federation.

Over the following months, commissions worked on the content of the federation agreement, which was formalized on 30 January 2014 in Parliament. It was signed by Josep M. Vila d'Abadal and Valentí Junyent, then mayors of Vic and Manresa, respectively, who chaired the boards of trustees of the two university institutions. It was also signed by the Catalan Minister of Economy and Knowledge, Andreu Mas-Colell.