- UVic-UCC’s municipal personality gives a clear regional character that defines and personalises it, and together with its system of governance, endows it with a personality that is unique in Catalonia
- The cultural activity that the university itself produces, and the platform that it provides for social activities taking place in Vic, Manresa and the surrounding area, make a significant contribution to central Catalonia’s cultural, artistic and social output
One of the distinguishing characteristics of the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia is its municipal personality, which is due to the fact that the foundation that owns it has a board of trustees with 36 members. The mayor of Vic is the president, the mayor of Manresa and the Secretary of Universities and Research of the Government of Catalonia are vice-presidents, and twelve other trustees come from the world of municipal goverment, which means that the majority of trustees represent towns and cities in central Catalonia.
This constitution means that the UVic-UCC has a significant regional or extra-metropolitan character. This defines and personalises it, and together with its system of governance, gives it a personality that is unique in Catalonia. As a result, working in the areas of interest of its region is one of its tasks, which it undertakes in very diverse fields (research, knowledge transfer, academic outreach, entrepreneurship, innovation, sport, culture, etc.) and through a very wide range of channels, making it a very important and almost irreplaceable driving force in society. Its ability to coordinate, promote and project the work carried out by very diverse institutions in various municipalities, as well as the work done by the various University services, generates synergies that reinforce each initiative, and make its impact and the response to it much greater.
The cultural activity for which the University is responsible, and the platform that it provides for social activities taking place in the city and in the surrounding area are a major contribution. The Ateneu de Vic, the Cultural Platform of the Summer University and Fem UVic-UCC Territori are the clearest embodiment of this in Vic, while the FUB+Gran and UniversiMés programmes of university short courses play the same role in Manresa. They all have their own personality in the context of central Catalonia's cultural, artistic and social expressions.

Montse Simon and Anton Granero - the architects of cultural and artistic activities at UVic-UCC
At the forefront of these initiatives are two people who are its driving force, Montse Simon, the director of UHub - University Community Service, and Anton Granero, a trustee of the FUB, the coordinator of Fem UVic-UCC Territori, a member of the Aula Segimon Serrallonga and the organising committee of the Ateneu de Vic, and one of the people responsible for artistic activities at the University and in the city.
Montse, what does the UHub - University Community Service do?
The UHub manages sports and participation in cultural and leisure activities at the University and in the city, membership of university groups and associations (Emboirats, the Student Council, the Theatre Workshop, the University Choir, the Debate League, the Inclusive Orchestra and the Mentor Programme), the Horizon Asia programme, shared transportation, voluntary work, and helps students to find accommodation or a job that is compatible with their studies. It also runs the Educational Psychology Counselling Service, the Support Service for Students with Functional Diversity and the Equality Unit.
One of the activities with the highest profile outside the University is the Cultural Platform, which mainly takes place in June and July as part of the Summer University, and consists of exhibitions both at the University and in the city and in other towns, lectures, book presentations, films, music workshops and other activities designed for a general audience.
These activities take place at other times in the academic year with the same degree of variety, as well as the cultural and leisure activities that take place at the University itself as a result of the work done by the Cultural Activities Unit.
«One of the activities with the highest profile outside the University is the Cultural Platform, which takes place above all in June and July as part of the Summer University»
Anton, what is the Fem UVic-UCC Territori platform?
Fem UVic-UCC Territori is a completely new tool in the university world, which came about as a result of the need for the municipalities and companies that are members of the FUB Board of Trustees to get to know the University in some depth, to make them aware of the institution that the Board governs, and aware of the opportunities that the University can provide for their municipalities, institutions or companies in terms of teaching, research, knowledge transfer and innovation. An extra-metropolitan university like UVic-UCC requires some communication and outreach mechanisms that metropolitan universities do not need, and the same applies to UVic-UCC as a trustee university. Fem UVic-UCC Territorial is also an effective and practical means of transferring and exchanging culture between the University and local governments, as an initial result of UVic-UCC's commitment to society and the region.
Some of the areas that it works on are the presence of UVic-UCC in municipalities, in order to complement their structure of services and activities; the continuing education that they can provide; the boost that the Summer University platform can provide for their educational, civic and cultural activities, and UVic-UCC's travelling cultural activities, primarily exhibitions, etc.
In order to take advantage of these and other opportunities and to increase our knowledge of each other, the FUB Board of Trustees regularly invites one of the local councils represented on the Board to visit the UVic facilities, with representatives of the companies and cultural, civic and sports institutions of the municipality concerned. Business, political and social representatives from Olot, Torelló, Manlleu, Sant Hilari de Sacalm, Prats de Lluçanès and the Osona Business Council have visited UVic so far.
«Fem UVic-UCC Territorial is also an effective and practical means of transferring and exchanging culture between the University and local governments, as an initial result of UVic-UCC's commitment to society and the region»
The UVic-UCC cultural outreach platforms
Ateneu de Vic
The Ateneu was founded by Vic City Council, the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia and the Casino de Vic in 2015, as a cultural centre for carrying out cultural activities and engaging in open, wide-ranging and constructive dialogues, fostering intellectual, artistic and participatory creativity, and contributing to the social cohesion of the city of Vic and the region of Osona.
The Ateneu began its activities in the 2015-2016 academic year, and it has continued to offer a considerable range of cultural, social and artistic activities each semester since then. These generally take place in the Casino de Vic cultural centre, but also at other venues, as a result of the partnership that the Ateneu is constantly seeking with all kinds of organisations in the city and the surrounding area, both to create synergies that enhance and improve its range, and to provide a platform for activities that would not have the same visibility or the same profile without the Ateneu's involvement.
From the perspective of the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia, the Ateneu is a very effective instrument for the University to participate in the cultural, civic and artistic development city and the municipalities in the surrounding area.
The Summer University cultural platform
At the same time as the academic activities at the Summer University, a series of cultural events are organised in June and July each year as part of the other area of Summer University activities. The most important event takes place at the inauguration ceremony, which is usually held in the Sala de la Columna in Vic City Hall. It involves a tribute to a person or institution, particularly from the surrounding area, which has made an outstanding contribution to the improvement of society in any field, including the cultural, social, economic and business spheres. This recognition, as well as the fact that it takes place in the City Hall, is an expression of the University's desire for a presence beyond the boundaries of its campus, with the organisation of the University's summer courses and activities in the surrounding area.

Fem UVic-UCC Territori
The Fem UVic-UCC Territori platform was specifically created as a link between the University and the municipalities that are members of its Board of Trustees, so that the University has a presence there with civic and cultural activities, and it has been rolled out to all the municipalities interested in participating in UVic-UCC activities. In addition to the University's meetings with municipalities in order to find out about their needs and to enhance academic and cultural collaboration, Fem UVic-UCC Territori is the platform which organises exhibitions which travel to each municipality, while raising the profile of artists from the region by providing them with exhibition spaces so that their work can be viewed together, and by a wider audience.
Gent Gran Lifelong Learning for the Elderly
UVic-UCC runs two Gent Gran Lifelong Learning for the Elderly schemes - one in Osona with about 1,200 members, and one in Centelles, with about 300 members. The schemes are federated autonomous institutions which provide people over 60 years old wishing to acquire knowledge with the opportunity to do so in an efficient and organised manner in a university environment, facilitating and fostering knowledge in the Catalan and European geographic, social, literary, spiritual, scientific and artistic spheres, and creating groups for reflection, dialogue and studying today's important events and situations. In order to open up the University to society as a whole, the Senior Campus has been designed so that students taking the University's short courses can have access to specific university education with regular students.

Cultural Activities Unit
The UVic Cultural Activities Unit organises exhibitions throughout the year, which can be seen in one of its three internal exhibition spaces on the Vic campus which are open to the public - the Josep Vernis space in Miramarges, the lobby of the Torre dels Frares building and the first floor of the Casa de Convalescència, which is the home of the UVic-UCC Rector's Office and the General Management of the Balmes University Foundation. Around twenty exhibitions on various subjects are organised every academic year, but cultural outreach and social motivation is a major factor. It also organises exhibitions outside the University campus, venues including the Higher School of Art and Design, the Roman Temple or the Museum of Leather Art.
«The Horizon Asia Seminars are held each year, and present Asia’s broad linguistic, cultural, economic and business spectrum»
The Horizon Asia Project
The Horizon Asia project was created in order to foster integrated strategies related to Asia that can enhance the city and the region's economic, social, educational and cultural development. The institutions behind the project are Vic City Council, UVic-UCC, Creacció and the Associació Festival Nits de Cinema Oriental.
The Horizon Asia Seminars are held each year, and present Asia’s broad linguistic, cultural, economic and business spectrum.
In order to foster future relationships with other universities and research centres in Asia and the joint supervision of direct doctoral theses, which may be beneficial for the city and region's economic, social, educational and cultural development, Horizon Asia has created a programme of grants for research stays in Asia for master's degree students, doctoral students, and teaching and research staff.
The Aula Segimon Serrallonga
The Aula Segimon Serrallonga was created in April 2003 to promote cross-disciplinary activities involving debates about the contemporary world on ideas, arts, literature and science, and to increase the love for knowledge and reflection on the mission of culture in contemporary society, based on a critical and humanist approach. The Aula works with Torelló municipal council to organise an annual tribute to Segimon Serrallonga, which is held in April, and consists of a lecture and a musical performance, and on the annual preparation and distribution of the Segimon Serrallonga grant for continuing studies abroad, which is open to students at any university in the Vives Network, and which has awarded 12 grants to date.
«The University's aim of opening up to society as a whole in the region includes the FUB+Gran and UniversiMés university short courses, aimed at people over 55 years old and at people with learning disabilities, respectively»

Close links between the Manresa campus and the region of central Catalonia
The Bages University Foundation, the institution that owns the centres on UVic-UCC's Manresa campus, also runs various programmes aimed at making the University more permeable and accessible to the surrounding area and to contributing to its social and cultural promotion. The University's aim of opening up to society as a whole in the region includes the FUB+Gran and UniversiMés university short courses, aimed at people over 55 years old and at people with learning disabilities, respectively. The former involves training tracks lasting one term which aim to facilitate lifelong learning, with contents linked to the humanities and the dissemination of scientific knowledge. It is completed with film club and reading club activities. The latter is a two-year programme that offers people with learning disabilities the opportunity to acquire skills and knowledge that enhance their critical faculties, understanding and interest in current affairs, and foster habits of active cultural consumption.
In partnership with the newspaper Region7, Manresa City Council and the Open University of Catalonia, the FUBages organises "Dialogues for the future," Central Catalonia's day of reflection and debate, on an annual basis. With the Aigües de Manresa Foundation, it also awards the Séquia Prize which pays tribute to the endeavours of an individual and a group or company every year. The winners are selected based on their proactive, enterprising and creative attitude for the benefit of the community, following in the footsteps of the citizens of fourteenth century Manresa, who built the Séquia, the canal that still brings water to the city today, and which has been essential in its economic and social progress.

Finally, the UVic-UCC Manresa campus organises various cultural initiatives by members of the university community, including two choirs - one for young students and another for participants in the FUB+Gran programme. It also supports the Els Penjats Castellers Group on the Campus.
These cultural outreach initiatives give some idea of the vitality of the cultural activities at UVic-UCC, and the impact it would like them to have in the surrounding area, both in order to effectively fulfil its social responsibility as a university, and because is committed to serving the region in all aspects of its activities as a university, including in the cultural sphere.